Looking for a Social Media Manager?

Get your Business Profile Maintained by our experts


Why we are the right choice for you

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Professional Team that Grow your Business Profile

Profile Setup for better visibility

Page Optimization

Competitor Analysis

Content Calendar

Hashtag Research

Highlights / Story Update

Call-To-Action Setup


Our Process to Manage Social Media Profile

Limited Time Offer 1000 د.إ /Per Month

For Limited Applicants Only


Who we are
& What We do?

We’re Fuerte Developers, a social media marketing agency based in India. We understand the importance of a brand’s social media presence. We get to know them and their target audiences intimately, then we create, develop and communicate brands and their messages in an impactful & engaging way on their social media platforms.
We design and implement a social media marketing campaign for its clients in such a way that adds value to potential and existing stakeholder and does not look like a mere company pushing product. The best way for us to tell you our story is through the projects that we deliver for our clients – the following pages will show a brief about us, our services and some of the best creative – we hope you like it!


What's included in Social Media Management

Developing business pages on different social media platforms.
Positioning and targeting on social media.
Social Media Calender in accordance with strategy.
Copy, image, GIF, video, slideshow and canvas.
Tracking the best time to post through software.
Tracking the brand mention and responding to them .
Optimizing the page to get higher rank in relevant categories
Increasing fan base in targeted audience .
Visual report showing analytics to make easy strategic decision .
Removing abusive comments and decreasing spam & War‐room facility when brand faces any challenging situation .
Apps development to integrate other social media accounts, contact us form, feedback form on fb


What's included in Social Media Management

Developing business pages on different social media platforms.
Positioning and targeting on social media.
Social Media Calender in accordance with strategy.
Copy, image, GIF, video, slideshow and canvas.
Tracking the best time to post through software.
Tracking the brand mention and responding to them .
Optimizing the page to get higher rank in relevant categories
Increasing fan base in targeted audience .
Visual report showing analytics to make easy strategic decision .
Removing abusive comments and decreasing spam & War‐room facility when brand faces any challenging situation .
Apps development to integrate other social media accounts, contact us form, feedback form on fb

Define Your Objective

Social media platforms are constantly evolving and proliferating. It makes sense to make choices
It is very essential to define your objectives for your social media platforms to ensures it is carefully planned, monitored and managed over time.


Our approach towards social media is quite different than other digital media players.
We sit down with you to understand the exact requirement, set goals & deliver the results.
Every brand has a story and we make sure to portray it across social media platforms.

Some of our esteemed clients

Case Study