10 digital marketing strategies for startups

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Digital marketing is a boon in today’s world of modern and innovative startups, digital marketing helps us to reach an audience who are completely immersed in technology by means of technology.

Digital marketing has many pros in terms of the financial aspect, you spend a lot less in digital marketing when compared to traditional marketing strategies which come in handy if you are a startup with a tight budget. You can also track how the audiences are reacting to your advertisement almost instantly. You can develop an interactive interface through digital marketing which engages audiences, telling them about the product in an innovative way.

Let us now see the distinctive ways in which digital marketing helps startups.


Social media marketing is the foremost form of digital media marketing. This acts as a bridge that connects your consumers and you. Creating your own business profile on major social media platforms like Facebook, Snapchat, Linkedin, Instagram can help you develop an audience and give your business a face rather than just a name that everyone hears.

The social media apps provide options to start business profiles which comes with great tools and features that will help you get through this. One of the examples would be the tool called as Facebook insights, this tool in Facebook helps you to track the number of users accessing your page, the demographic age of the people visiting your site, and such.

Other than this you can promote your products and advertise your company with targeted ads on social media. This will help you to reach your key demographic to the fullest. Since all the social media platforms offer a comment section you can create a discussion and listen to your consumers. If your response to all the queries of the consumers, you will create a positive image surrounding your brand.   You can also perform networking, and become a known figure creating lots of contacts with giants in your field.

You tell your consumers that you are more than just a brand selling products and show to them that even people like them work with you. This will pave way for forming a community of loyal consumers.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO):必利勁

Search Engine Optimization is the method of makings sure your website or application gathers a good amount of web traffic by making them available in all search results in major search engines.  By understanding what people are searching for, what kind of words they are using to yield the results, and optimizing your websites to the fullest.  Search engine optimization enables your website to attain a good or high place in the SERP (Search Engine Results Page) in popular search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. Search optimization helps your content to be accessible to web crawlers while they are searching on the web. Using keywords and phrases will help to display your webpage easily to the users.

Pay per click marketing:

You can promote your business by giving pay per click ads on popular search engines. This will help in attracting your target audience and in finding your perfect consumers. Pay per click implies that the hosting engine gets paid every time a user clicks on the advertisement.  It is important to customize the ad and include keywords that the audience responds to.  You can promote your business on websites that are relevant to your products, so you get your appropriate audiences. Google Adwords is one such advertising platform in which the advertisers bid to display their ads on webpages.

Content Marketing :

Content marketing is producing content that attracts the consumers or the users on the web, while using Search Engine Optimization techniques it is important to produce content that is relevant, useful, and engaging. So, “Content is key”, all the way. Using the appropriate and relevant content will bring in so much traffic to your application or webpage.

The content must be problem-solving and tick the areas and answer the questions on the user’s mind. Using infographics, charts and animations appeal very well to the audience. To achieve a very good reputation you should maintain a good publishing schedule. When people start to trust your content and start to find it fascinating that’s when they will rely on your business and create an amazing consumer base. A few of those sad stars can ruin your online reputation.

Influencer Marketing:

There is a new model of digital marketing that is gaining popularity among the audience and has good reach. Influencer marketing is when a famous person in the community you are trying to reach endorse your business. This does not necessarily mean that it has to be a celebrity, it could be anyone with a good number of followers. This is widespread recently because social media is the place where people spend half of their time and getting to know about products from people that they trust and know from that platform will help them gain an understanding of the business and their products.

Advertising in digital platforms:

Giving advertisements in digital platforms helps industries and the environment as well, think about all the paper we are saving. You can promote your business by giving out ads in billboards and in web pages related to your products, emails, applications, or even games. Creating quizzes and questionnaires will help the users to select your product as it is a gift for their efforts. This creates a positive attitude towards your brand and persuades the consumers to spread information about your brand.

Email Marketing:

Email marketing is one of the most prevalent and popular means of digital marketing. Through emails, you can reach the consumers personally in their inboxes. Emails might appear as notifications and can easily be read by the consumers. You as a business can buy the leads of potential consumers and send them personalized emails, newsletters, product brochures. This is one of the most effective ways to reach your audience. By giving catchy one-liner to their emails you can easily grab the attention of a bored office worker in the afternoon shift. You can also add the link to your websites in these emails. Just hope they don’t put it in spam.

Digital marketing analytics and web analytics:

Digital marketing analytics is when the digital markets analyze, gather information generated through the websites that they are handling. Marketing analytics can help you to analyze how the users are reacting to your website and the content you put out to. There are many tools available to perform these analytics. You can view which products interest which group of people from their age, work profile, income profile, etc. This greatly helps to gain knowledge of various ways in which you can optimize your content for your audience.

Interactive user interfaces:

An interactive user interface can help you gain popularity and prompt the users to stay on your website long enough. As mentioned before quizzes and questionnaires can help a great deal. Along with those try using form-based guides and chat-bots. Chatbots are the bots that appear as humans and deal with users by asking them simple questions. They are very cost-effective and eliminates the need to hire more people. They add a much-required personal shopping experience. You also conduct polls and giveaway products which will help the users to spend more time on your website. As the links get shared here comes your traffic. Many companies have utilized these strategies to succeed. For instance, buzz feed, one of the most popular lifestyle based company. They have a huge internet presence and have Youtube channels, Instagram accounts, and blog pages.

Video and voice search optimization :

Video and voice search optimization can be called as categories of search engine optimization. This is the way in which we can create content that is accessible through the voice search. The number of users using voice search has greatly increased in recent years. The people who aren’t familiar with the language or do not typically use mobile phones are also engaging in this voice search option, this enables the marketing of all kinds of products for all age groups. It is important to optimize your content with keywords that might even appear in a voice search. With artificial intelligence bots such as Cortana, Alexa, and Siri, the users are just asking questions and expecting a precise answer.

So, you need to make sure that you provide that answer to them. If the consumer is asking when does the store close, you need to make sure that you have given the correct answer to that question.

Through engaging videos, you can bring in a huge number of users into your business. There are many video hosting platforms with enormous audience bases such as Youtube, Wistia, etc.  Millions of videos are posted there. Try to give an insight into your business by engaging your audiences with the business processes, you can attain very good customers this way, and your familiarity increases. If you are a company that makes paper bags, release a video that tells them how paper bags are made. Now while watching it, the audience becomes familiar with your brand. Optimize all the videos you create with keywords and hashtags from the popular trends.


Digital marketing has completely transformed the marketing strategies in place. Being a startup, you might not have much in funding as the majority of the funds are going to the fundamental operations.    Digital marketing has so many tactics that need a very less amount of money or no money at all. Almost everyone these days has some sort of gadget with them. They are sorted into groups of communities and given the products exactly to their need. Technology has exerted major domination over all the markets, many e-commerce sites have made billions of money from them. It is important to know and adapt the practices that are happening and to mold your products based on user expectations.

While consumers have always seen the companies as walls and factories, the digital media has helped us greatly to see more than that, the faces and people behind the products they buy. Digital marketing platforms have brought the people and the products together and closed the gap between them. Startups should know and understand the influence social media has on the market and use all the strategies to create a digital presence giving people what they want to distinguish themselves from their competitors.

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