Many of you must be having great ideas in different ways by which you can open a start-up. Your ideas may also be highly fascinating and thought-provoking which can serve the greater good for humanity. However, there are slight chances that you would be unsure of such as how to turn these ideas into your startup. Undoubtedly you’ll face uncountable questions like how to open this startup, how to run it, your educational qualification, and many more. Opening a startup may require some highly skilled as well as experienced people and thus it may increase your insecurity if you have none. Apparently, opening a startup on YouTube is not as difficult as it seems. To make it easier for you to understand, let’s take the example of an Indian educational startup on Youtube which is wifi study.
It was started in 2013 and today it has more than 6.3 million subscribers. Interesting, no?
What do they do on youtube?
They provide online coaching services for various Indian competitive exams like the banking sector, railway sector exams, SSC, etc. Basically they take live classes on different topics daily. They provide a detailed explanation for each and every topic and you can also follow their classes regularly. They solve questions online and you really don’t have to attend any other coaching. You can study sitting at home and prepare for your exams through YouTube. Their headquarter is currently in Jaipur and they take all the classes from there. They take more than 10-20 live classes daily. Wifistudy is focused only on YouTube. They didn’t make any website and hence didn’t need to do any excessive marketing.
Such example as these shows how YouTube provides a platform for consistent, beneficial, and needful work. It also delivers your content to the right audience, so your focus can be fully directed on how to give the right content and to do your best. Wifistudy through YouTube was not able to earn exceptionally but became widely popular in India. It reached 6.3 million subscribers quite early and also overtook Khan Academy which is best known worldwide for its unprecedented online coaching. This proves that it doesn’t matter who you are and what are your goals. You just have to provide the best material on YouTube. Your focus must be only on how you deliver your idea and content.
The merge
In October 2018 Unacdemy purchased this startup. According to the Economic Times, the size of the deal was estimated to be around $10 million including stocks and cash.
Wifistudy was not earning an exceptionally great amount, then what made unacademy purchase it? There are various reasons as to why unacademy took this step:
- Sometimes when you’re running a company or a startup you need help from other big companies to reach the next level.
- Wifistudy is a brand, it has a large number of audience. Merging with wifi study will enable unacademy to expand
- Achieving the same success as wifi study is a time-consuming process, it hence reduces the time
- The risk involved is less
The conclusion
It hence proves, to open a startup on YouTube you need to have a differentiating factor as well as a unique idea. Without the help of anyone, you should aim to find your own way by yourself. You should look for methods by which you can turn your expectations into reality rather than thinking of excuses to escape the problem you face. Firstly, you should research the product or service you want to sell thoroughly. You must know the demand for your goods and services. The statistical ratio of your audience. After that, you can start your business either by writing blogs or by making a YouTube channel. Slowly and gradually. The more you’ll try different options, the more experience you’ll have and you’ll understand how to grow your startup.